Our top tips for keeping your flowers alive for longer 💐

With leaves and temperatures dropping, the autumnal feeling has arrived. Whether it's sending sunshine through the door with our letterbox flowers, or adding a fresh glow to your living room with a bouquet. If you've ordered a bouquet, make sure you keep it healthy during the colder months. 

We caught up with our resident florist Asta, who gave us her top tips for keeping your flowers alive for longer during the autumn and winter months...


What are the best things you can do to preserve the flowers for as long as possible?

"In the winter tap water is freezing cold, so to extend the life of your flowers make sure you warm the water from cold to room temperature so that you don’t shock the stems. Then change the water every 2-3 days to hold off bacteria growth. Fresh cut flowers will last longer in your home when there is a consistent temperature - the best temperature is 18-19 C."

Is there anywhere you should avoid putting the flowers when it’s colder?

"Avoid putting the flowers by radiators and appliances that generate heat, like the oven, or on top of the fridge. Do be aware that your central heating could make flowers die sooner as the dry heat speeds up the wilting of your flowers. If you are placing your flowers near a window (this is the coldest part of your home) don’t let flowers or foliage touch the windowpane as cold glass will make your blooms die faster. And the same tip valid during the cold months – keep your bouquet away from the fruit bowl as the fruit ripens it releases ethylene gas and speeding up the wilting and bending of stems."

Are there any flowers that last longer than others in colder seasons?

"Lilies, Berries, Carnations, Chrysanthemums will last longer and will take longer for the buds to open too. Also, Antique type Hydrangeas as they are stronger in winter and you can dry them too. With dried stems, you can make gorgeous wreaths for your front door!"

 Any other tips?

"It's recommended not to leave your flowers out of the water for more than 2 minutes after you cut them, as the bottoms will dry in seconds and form an air bubble. If you run out of flower food the best way to extend life is to add some sugar into the water"

To celebrate the falling leaves, warm colours, and sweet earthy scents of Autumn, why not treat yourself to one of our gorgeous seasonal bouquets. we've got plenty of options to welcome the new season with open arms. Find out more here

By Zing Flowers