Get ready for Spring

The warming weather and longer days are a sign that Spring has started! Below are 5 tips to help you get ready for a positive and successful Spring and Summer!

Spring cleaning 🧼

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be stressful, even the smallest jobs can get us feeling more motivated and energised. A great way to kick off your spring cleaning is to prioritise certain spaces that need cleaning or organising and set small, achievable goals. If you don’t know where to start, pick the ones that will be most helpful for summer.

Flowers make me happy 🌻

An increase in beautiful, seasonal flowers is a tell-tale sign that Spring is just around the corner. The start of Spring is a great time to replace any flowers or plants that might need refreshing all while bringing some bright new colours into your home. Choose something that puts a smile on your face! Why not try our enchanting Springtime Favourites or our bright yellow Signature Zing Bouquet?

Clear space, clear mind 🧹

Spring is a great time to de-clutter your space - as they say, a clear space equals a clear mind. De-cluttering could include going through your wardrobe and donating any old clothes, donating any books you’re storing but no longer read or going through your kitchen or bathroom and throwing out any empty containers.

Spring fragrances 🌷

The start of a new season means bringing some new, fresh fragrances into your space. This could be through candles, room sprays or even a new bunch of flowers. Some recommendations of great spring scents are lavender, lemon, mint, rose and lilac. Our Lovely Letterbox Roses and Letterbox Pastel Roses are a great way of bringing some new spring scents into the house.

Keeping busy 🧺

As the weather starts to get better and they days start to get longer, Spring is a great time to explore some new activities. You could enjoy the nice weather with a picnic at the park; or explore your surroundings by going for a run, hike or riding a bike; you could even entertain any young ones in your life by letting them get their hands muddy with some gardening.  

We want to see how you are getting ready for Spring! Share your pictures with us on social media @ZingFlowers. 

Shop our Spring collection here

By Zing Flowers