It’s the start of a new year, which is always a great time to try out new things and get inspired! If you’re still in the Christmas lull and want to spark that creative inspiration, try out these six tips on how to be more creative in 2019.

Draw, doodle, paint…

Just for the fun of it. It’s important to take some time to be creative, even during busy working days. The act of doing art of any kind engages all kinds of connections in the brain, so why not dust off a sketchbook and get doodling on your next conference call? 

There has been a rise in the art of bullet-journalling, a combination of scrapbooking and filling out a traditional journal, which many people swear by in terms of helping to get organised and motivated. Not into drawing? Why not try photography, craft or flower arranging to spark your creative side?

Start A Sensible Sleep Cycle

Getting into a sensible, regular sleep cycle is important for honing your creativity. The amount of sleep we need varies between person to person and can range from 7-9 hours per night, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Giving yourself a good night’s sleep is great for getting your creative mind in gear for the next day. 

Need help nodding off? Try a camomile tea, burning some lavender essential oil or scented candle, and reading for half an hour. Lavender is renowned for its natural relaxing and sleep-inducing properties. If you want to decorate your living space with the real thing, add a little Zing using one of our bouquets that contain lavender.

Devices Detox

This could be an obvious tip, but one of the keys to creativity is to give your brain some space. While they’re useful for many things, social media, television and our supply of devices pose as constant distractions and can slow us down when we’re trying to get things done. Try switching of your phone for the day and see what else your brain wanders to in your down-time!

Creating… An Environment

You may have heard about having ‘good fengshui’ in your home – this is a Chinese concept surrounding the placement of certain objects to channel good energy in an environment. Without going into too much detail on this, get creative in your own environment – perhaps your bedroom or living space – by decorating it. Plants and flowers are great for bringing in a pop of colour and a taste of the outside world, so try treating yourself to your favourite type of happiness-inducing flowers to brighten up a room. Spoilt for choice? Try our florist’s choice.


Being active stimulates blood-flow and oxygen to the brain, which helps sharpen mental clarity. If you can exercise outside, it will also help to provide you with a fresh perspective – and sunshine always helps! You may find that clearing your mind will later help you to be more creative. 

Do Something For Someone Else

A great way to get motivated and creative is to inspire yourself …by inspiring others! Something as simple as sending someone a little package, making or writing them a heart-felt card or bringing over a bunch of flowers with a gorgeous ribbon on uses the creative mindset. You may find you can exercise your creative flair by using it on someone else – and you might just inspire yourself while you’re there. Check out our favourite gifts for others in our gift section.

We hope you’ve enjoyed our tips on how to get creative this year! Share your creative inspiration with us on socials by tagging @ZingFlowers on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.





By Zing Flowers